Human Resources

Human Resources

Employees at Faculty Staff Recognition

Employee Resources and Recognition

Íæż½ã½ã's is an inclusive community in which all are welcome. Our faculty and staff are instrumental to the University and our students, and we want to ensure you have the resources and support you need.

Payroll Resources

For assistance with payroll questions, please reach out to or contact Payroll at 651-690-6942.

Employee Resources

Employee Self Service

Faculty and Staff Recognition

Íæż½ã½ã’s faculty and staff are accomplishing amazing things, and the success of Íæż½ã½ã’s is a direct result of your hard work and contributions.

Staff of the Year Awards

Faculty Teaching and Advising Awards

Patricia O'Connor Myser Award for Faculty Excellence

Bonnie Jean Kelly & Joan Kelly Award for Faculty Excellence

Faculty Emeriti

Denny Prize for Distinction in Writing

Carol Easley Denny Award

Employees celebrating recognitions

Important University Events

Human Resources hosts Belonging at Íæż½ã½ã’s on a quarterly basis. It’s a session designed to welcome colleagues that are new to the University and foster community and collaboration. This builds upon the online New Hire Orientation course and provides an opportunity to learn more about your new colleagues and university structure. It is followed with a benefits information session. New employees will receive an email inviting them to participate when the next scheduled session takes place.

Celebrate the achievements of this year’s graduates with Commencement ceremonies in The O’Shaughnessy, along with baccalaureate masses, interfaith services, and receptions. In order to create a memorable experience for students, volunteering at Commencement is highly encouraged for faculty and staff. Click here for more details.

Academic Affairs hosts a variety of sessions for faculty and staff to attend over the course of a few days. The institute is hosted semi-annually and takes place at the beginning of Fall semester and beginning of Spring semester. In previous years, offices have been encouraged to close to encourage departmental participation. For further information on this, check with your department’s leadership. 

A University-wide event hosted by the President’s Office that is held annually before fall classes begin. Events include a mass, an opening convocation, and a picnic on the quad. Traditionally, faculty and staff line the sidewalks of campus and welcome the procession of students in advance of the ceremony. Participation is encouraged to celebrate with the students as they begin their year.

The President’s Office hosts an all-employee meeting on a quarterly basis (October, December, February and May). These meetings cover issues of campus-wide importance such as budget, enrollment, academic affairs, information technology academic affairs, and strategic planning.

Human Resources hosts semi-annual meetings for supervisors to provide departmental updates and help develop supervisory skills that can be used to lead teams and support the organization's goals.