MLIS Accreditation

ALA Accreditation Seal


The MLIS program is accredited by the  Committee on Accreditation, with the status of conditional accreditation. The next comprehensive review visit is scheduled for Fall 2026.

ALA Contact Information:
American Library Association
225 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1300
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312-280-2432
Fax: 312-280-2433



MLIS Program Facts

One Year Retention Rate of Degree-Seeking MLIS Students

2013 76.3% 38
2014 83.3% 24
2015 93.1% 29
2016 80% 20
2017 71.4% 28
2018 91.3% 23
2019 78.1% 32
2020 94.7% 19
2021 78.3% 23
2022 87.5% 16
2023 88.0% 25

Note: Only new degree-seeking graduate students (both full and part-time) are included above; non-degree and certificate/licensure students are excluded.

Source: 2024 Fall Census


Average Time to Degree

Full-time 2.70
Part-time 3.26
Overall 2.89


Placements and Salaries

The MLIS program has taken part in the annual Library Journal Placements & Salaries report since 2012.


Íæż½ã½ã requires each program to assess student learning outcomes and conduct Program evaluation.

MLIS Program Student Learning Outcomes

  • Current in effect as of 2023-2024

MLIS Student ePortfolios

An electronic portfolio has been a non-credit degree requirement since fall 2011. The ePortfolio provides MLIS students with the opportunity to integrate learning across the entire MLIS program and to present their reflections on their achievements in the program. Learning artifacts included in the ePortfolio are completed as part of coursework, and co-curricular or professional activities.

Developing an ePortfolio encourages the student to take a systematic look at learning experiences through self-reflection, self-evaluation, and synthesis and integration of knowledge with real world applications. The ePortfolio process also nurtures lifelong learning skills to prepare students for future challenges facing information professionals.

Three MLIS faculty members serve as reviewers in the fall and spring semesters. The MLIS ePortfolios are graded as pass/fail.

SLMS Student ePortfolios

School Library Media Specialist (SLMS) students also are required to complete an electronic portfolio during their student teaching course LIS 7283/6 Clinical Experience/Student Teaching. The instructor for the clinical experience course reviews the SLMS ePortfolios and determines if they meet the criteria.

Program Self Study for ALA-COA Accreditation

The 2017 Self-Study for the American Library Association Committee on Accreditation (ALA-COA) is available upon request. Email: