
University Accreditation

Íæż½ã½ã is accredited through the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. This is a good thing for students. Attending a regionally accredited institution is important if you may want to transfer credits to another institution or if you want to attend a post-graduate program.

University accreditation

Student success information

State Approval

Íæż½ã½ã is registered with the  pursuant to section 136A.61 to 136A.71. Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Credits earned at the institution may not transfer to all other institutions.

Degree Accreditation

View the accreditation statements for each of Íæż½ã½ã's accredited degree programs.

Program accreditation

Licensing disclosures

Student Right-to-Know Information

In accordance with Department of Education regulations, all colleges and universities are required to provide to prospective students, current students, and the public information about their graduation and transfer-out rates.

Student Right-to-Know Information

Student Complaint Process

If you are a student in a program at Íæż½ã½ã, you may click below to file a grievance with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education.


Students may also submit a formal complaint to our institutional accrediting agency, the Higher Learning Commission.


​Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is released every year on October 1 in compliance with state and federal campus security regulations.

These reports are in compliance with state and federal crime awareness and campus security legislation, including the  and  (HEOA).

The report includes statistics for the previous three calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Íæż½ã½ã, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.

The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security. Those policies include alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, hate crime reporting, emergency response and evacuation procedures, missing student notification and fire safety.