School of Business, professors from Japan exchange knowledge about women’s institutions

An email to Dean Anupama Pasricha, PhD, led to a fruitful visit from Professors Keiko Takahashi and Ayako Kuramoto in August.
Ayako Kuramoto, Anupama Pasricha, Keiko Takahashi

Professor Ayako Kuramoto, Dean Anupama Pasricha, and Professor Keiko Takahashi

It is incredible how one email can create new partnerships and open up a whole new world. 

In July, Anupama Pasricha, PhD, dean of the School of Business, opened an email from a professor in Japan requesting a visit to learn about what Íæż½ã½ã was doing in the areas of leadership, personal finance, programs empowering women, and any challenges Íæż½ã½ã’s may experience as a women's university.

Fast forward to August 27, as the School of Business welcomed Professor Keiko Takahashi of Jissen Women’s University and Professor Ayako Kuramoto of Seinan Gakuin University to our beautiful campus. Throughout the day, via a curated agenda, Íæż½ã½ã’s faculty and staff members across offices and departments shared their kindness, knowledge, and experience in various areas that included: