Nursing faculty to embark on oral history project with StoryCorps

In an upcoming project, faculty from the حوإ¼½م½م School of Nursing will collect oral histories from nurses who have uniquely served the community in order to gain insight into their professional nursing careers. Interviews will be conducted in collaboration with , the world’s largest oral history project. This will allow the full-length interviews to be stored in the Library of Congress and StoryCorps Archives, which is available online, in perpetuity. In addition, the interviews may be used for research purposes to document attributes of the nursing profession at the present time.

Faculty hope to soon be recruiting within the School of Nursing community, including faculty, students, and alumni who hold either an undergraduate or graduate nursing degree. Beginning with the School of Nursing helps to highlight حوإ¼½م½م’s mission of loving the dear neighbor without distinction and illuminates the essential work that has been accomplished in the حوإ¼½م½م's School of Nursing. Eventually, the team plans to expand the interviews to include nurses in the broader community.

Why this project and why now? Nursing is one of the oldest and largest professions with a core tenant to provide psychological and physical care to individuals. With burgeoning medical information nurses must balance current evidence-based practice while maintaining a “listening heart.â€‌ How this is accomplished by nurses today in light of current events has rarely been explored, but the team hopes to document it with permanent public  access for future generations.


Faculty, students, and alumni are invited to participate in this storytelling project.

Contact Jocelyn Bessette Gorlin, PhD, associate professor of nursing, at or 612-716-6541 if you are interested or have questions.