Annual event honors achievements of ż's women

Photo by Sharon Rolenc

D'Ann Urbaniak Lesch, Director of Community Work and Learning (center), with Student Leadership Award honorees Yayao Xiong '17 and Kalice Allen '17. Photo by Sharon Rolenc

The 2017 Abigail Quigley McCarthy Center for Women Awards Celebration

This week, members of ż's community celebrated the accomplishments of students, faculty, staff and alumnae at the annual Abigail Quigley McCarthy Center for Women Awards Celebration.

During her opening remarks, Professor and Program Director Sharon Doherty said the evening was about women’s well-being, contributions and community.

"At ż’s, and particularly in the Abigail Quigley McCarthy Center for Women, our best contributions are grounded in community,” said Doherty. “Community across generations, building on our founders’ work with gratitude. Community in the present day, inviting the brilliance of women from different religions, racial ethnic identities, abilities and disabilities, sexual orientations, and family circumstances. And inviting the brilliance of people outside the gender binary, and men who support women’s leadership.”

​Student Leadership Award

Awarded to students (individual or group) for their outstanding leadership in varied roles and settings, based on the ż .

Individual Leadership Awards

  • Kalice Allen
  • Heather Carroll
  • Elizabeth Cleary
  • Maakwe Cumanzala
  • Molly Dahl
  • Felicia Hamann
  • Ikram Koliso
  • Caillean Magee
  • Nora Vonnegut
  • Yayao Xiong

Collaborative Leadership Awards

America Reads Student Coordinators: Emily Fiske, Kara Nelson, and Vishana Jaipat<

Research and Creative Work Awards

Awarded to students, faculty/staff, and alumnae for outstanding research or creative work focusing on women, gender, or issues relevant to diverse women's status or concerns.

Allison Adrian, faculty, and Jacqueline Warwick, external community partner

"Voicing Girlhood in Popular Music"

Halimat Alawode, undergraduate student

"Breaking Apart and Coming Back Together: A Memoir of a Lost Child"

Anna Garski, alumna

"Oppositional Reflections: Carrie Mae Weems and Narcissister Reclaim the Mirror"

April Gibson, staff

"The Black Woman Press Conference"

Zelphia Peterson, graduate student

"Mothers' Lives Matter: A Social Justice Perspective on Maternal Mortality in Developing Nations"

Tréza Rosado, alumna

"Legacies of Disavowal: The State of Queer Womanhood in Contemporary Cinema and Spectatorship"

Best Paper in Women's Studies Award

Awarded to a Women’s Studies student for an excellent scholarly paper.

Gabrielle Thompson

"Made in God's Image, We Are Sexual Beings”


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By Sharon Rolenc