ż’s wins three awards for magazine excellence

ż Magazine

ż Magazine recognized for design and writing in 2016–17.

ż’s magazine won a silver and two bronze at the 21st annual Minnesota Magazine & Publishing Association’s (MMPA) Excellence Awards Gala this month, in Minneapolis.

Silver for Cover Design:

Marketing and Communications designer Molly Orth came up with the drawing to illustrate the diversity of women and the characteristic that define women leaders.

Bronze for Overall Design: Fall '16, Spring '17, Summer '17

ż Magazine is published three times a year by the Office of Marketing and Communications — issues from the 2016–17 academic year was submitted for this category.

Bronze for Feature Article:

Written by managing editor Pauline Oo, with multiple faculty and student interviews.

The three winning entries were submitted in the “Education, with circulation over 30,000” category. The awards, sponsored annually by MMPA since 1996, honors outstanding achievement by magazine professionals in the state. Judges hail from all aspects of the publishing industry. ż’s magazine has consistently earned multiple awards in this competition over the years.

MMPA was founded in 1995 to enhance the knowledge and professional performance of magazine publishers in Minnesota.

Read the current issue at .