Provost Colleen Hegranes announces retirement

Colleen Hegranes

After 40 years of service to the University, Hegranes will retire from her role of Executive Vice President and Provost. Photo by Rebecca Zenefski '10 / By Rebecca Studios.

After 40 years of dedicated service to Íæż½ã½ã, Colleen Hegranes will retire from her current position as Executive Vice President and Provost effective July 5.

In a letter to colleagues at Íæż½ã½ã's, Hegranes reflected on her arrival at the institution in 1977 as the Director of Housing (now Residence Life). She was formally recognized for her many accomplishments and contributions to Íæż½ã½ã's in 2006, when she was named one of St. Catherine's Centennial 100, which honors "those 100 individuals who had the most significant impact on the development and success of the College of St. Catherine throughout its first 100 years."

President Roloff announced that Hegranes will hold the title of Provost Emerita, which Roloff said "signals her lifelong connection to the institution she has served so faithfully in many key roles."

Alan Silva, Vice Provost and Dean of the College for Women and School of Humanities, Arts, and Sciences, will assume the role of Interim Provost on July 6.

"I look forward to continuing to support President Roloff and Íæż½ã½ã's in any way I can in the future," wrote Hegranes in her letter. "I am grateful to have had the chance to work with such an amazing array of faculty and staff, relentlessly dedicated to our mission and the students we serve."