Update on arson incident

A former Íæż½ã½ã student has been booked and admitted to the Ramsey County Jail. Tnuza Hassan is suspected of first-degree arson for starting eights fires in seven buildings across the University campus on Wednesday, January 17.

The fires were small and quickly contained, and no one was injured. There was damage to furnishings, but no structural damage to the impacted buildings.

Campus security cameras allowed police to track Hassan to Crandall Hall, where there was a room-to-room search conducted. She was found in a student lounge, taken into custody, and removed from campus around 2:35 p.m. on January 17. This continues to be an ongoing investigation with the St. Paul Police Department.

Hassan was last enrolled at Íæż½ã½ã's in fall 2017. She is currently not enrolled in January term or spring 2018 semester.