Join clubs uniting students based on a favorite social activity, chosen academic field, cultural or ethnic background or charitable cause! You can get acquainted with clubs at Íæż½ã½ã's by attending the activities fair in the fall.
If you don’t find a club you’re interested in, but have an idea for a new club, you have the power to create your own! Stop by and talk to a Campus Life staff member in the Student Organization Center, CdC 253, or email We'll be happy to help you begin the process of chartering a new club.
Club Resources
Publicity Requests
- - includes atrium tables, banners, digital signs, display cases, chalking requests, fliers, master calendar, and popcorn fliers
Space Reservations
Leadership Opportunities
The SEEK (Social Events and Experience for Katies) Team sponsors day brightener events, hosts free movies, sponsors musical events, speakers, and coordinates off-campus trips. Each year, SEEK hosts Charity Ball, Dew Drop, Katies Love to Boogie, and 70+ other events on and off campus.
Commuter Advisors
The Commuter Advisors are trained on all resources that are available and work hard to make sure that commuters are aware of those resources in addition to the social opportunities on campus.
The LEAD (Leadership, Encouragement, Assistance and Development) Team is a collaborative team of students who work together to create leadership awareness and creates innovative ways to assist Íæż½ã½ã's students in identifying and developing their leadership potential.
Student Governance
In addition to participation in clubs, students have the opportunity to lead and influence by joining the following governing bodies.
Student Senate
The Student Senate is the governing body of the undergraduate day students. The Senate acts as a liaison between the student body and the administration and provides a voice for all students.
College for Adults Student Advisory Board
This team of undergraduate students acts as a liaison between College for Adults undergraduate students and the University's administration.
Graduate Student Advisory Board (GSAB)
The GSAB includes two voting student representatives from each of the graduate programs offered at Íæż½ã½ã's, as well as many non-voting members. The GSAB meets monthly during the academic year on the St. Paul campus to plan activities, address common questions, and network.
For information and resources relating to advising a club, chartering a new club, planning club events, handling an organization's finances, fundraising, holding meetings and more, contact the Campus Life Office.