The Career Development Center at Íæż½ã½ã in its provision of services to students, alumni, and off-campus employers makes no representations or guarantees regarding the opportunities listed on its website, bulletin boards, print materials and other resources, and is not responsible for the wages, safety, working conditions or other aspects of off-campus employment. It is the responsibility of students and alumni to take the necessary precautions when applying to, interviewing for and/or accepting part-time/full-time employment and internships.
In addition, Career Development has provided links to websites that are maintained by third parties, over which the Career Development Center has no control. The Board of Trustees of Íæż½ã½ã's and the Career Development Center are not responsible or liable for the content, products, services, or other materials on or made available through the web links to other websites. The opinions and views associated with the web sites are not necessarily those of Íæż½ã½ã's or the Career Development Center. Íæż½ã½ã's and the Career Development Center shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any direct or indirect damage or loss caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, products, or services available on or through such sites.
The Íæż½ã½ã's Career Development Center permits links to content published on the Career Development Center website. However, any linking should not (1) implicitly or explicitly suggest that Íæż½ã½ã's promotes or endorses any third party’s causes, ideas, website content, products or services, or (2) use Career Development Center content for inappropriate commercial purposes. The Career Development Center reserves the right to withdraw permission for any link.
eRecruiting Disclaimer
By registering with KatieCareer, Íæż½ã½ã’s on-line job/internship database, students and alumni and others who use the system are agreeing to allow the personal and professional information, e.g. name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, degree, etc., they provide, to be accessed by the Íæż½ã½ã's Career Development Center.
By participating in Íæż½ã½ã's Career Development services, organizations agree that they will adhere to applicable federal and state EEO laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines as well as the appropriate principles set forth by NACE in all recruiting activities, that no fee will be charged to any candidate at any time, and organizations will not disclose resumes or other applicant information under any circumstances to other entities without the applicant’s prior written consent. The Career Development Center reserves the right to discontinue services to students, alumni and employers who have violated EEO and NACE guidelines.
Disclaimer Related to Student and Alumni Use of KatieCareer
By registering with KatieCareer, students and alumni agree to allow Íæż½ã½ã's Career Development Center access to the personal and professional information they have entered into KatieCareer. Employer information and job postings accessible through KatieCareer are provided for student and alumni convenience. Their presence does not imply endorsement by the Career Development Office at Íæż½ã½ã. Career Development does not represent any employer, posting or advertisement, and does not make any guarantee or assume legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of employer or job information. Career Development also takes student safety and employer fraud very seriously. Users of KatieCareer can help strengthen this effort by reporting suspicious or inappropriate postings or questionable employer conduct. Contact Career Development at 651-690-8890 or send an email to
Conditions for Use of KatieCareer—Employers and Recruiters
All employers and recruiters submitting content, including but not limited to job postings, will only submit content that is accurate, true, not misleading or deceptive in any manner, and fully in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, including laws prohibiting employment discrimination. All employers and recruiters agree not to participate in any unauthorized use of the KatieCareer platform. All job postings must be for actual job listings in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and may not contain any form of advertisement, promotion or endorsement, other than promotion of the job itself or require any form of upfront payment or referrals to other candidates. All employers are solely responsible for their hiring decisions.
Each employer contact agrees to provide accurate and complete registration information, and it is the employer’s responsibility to inform Íæż½ã½ã Career Development of any changes to that information. Each contact registration is for a single individual who is responsible for preventing unauthorized use of the employer account and maintaining the confidentiality of the account.
By participating in Íæż½ã½ã’s Career Development services, organizations agree that they will adhere to applicable federal and state EEO laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines as well as the appropriate principles set forth by NACE in all recruiting activities; that no fee will be charged to any candidate at any time; and organizations will not disclose resumes or other applicant information under any circumstances to other entities without the applicant’s prior written consent. The Career Development Center reserves the right to discontinue services to students, alumni and employers who have violated EEO and NACE guidelines.