Search our database of pre-evaluated college courses.

Use the TES database to see if your college courses (including courses taken through PSEO or CIS) have been evaluated for transfer.

  • Course equivalencies: Find out if a course is equivalent to a Íæż½ã½ã’s course your program requires.
  • Course core requirements: Find out if an individual course meets a core requirement, this will be listed in the Public Note attached to the course.
  • General elective: When a course does not have an equivalency or fulfill a core, it may still be applied toward the total credits required to graduate.
  • Does not transfer: Courses that are considered developmental or vocational/technical in nature will not be transferred.


  • Credits transferred will equal semester credit value on transfer transcript.
  • Core requirement transfer guides and are available for select local schools with the guides link displayed to the right of the school name in the school search list. For schools without core guides, simply click the notes icon to see if individual courses meets core requirement. Associate program guides are also located there.
  • Use the  for descriptions of generic course equivalencies (eg BIOLLABS).
  • Once you’ve located your course equivalency, click the "My List Add" icon to start a list. Continue to add as many courses as you wish from as many schools as you wish, then email or print the list.
  • Associate students should review the  prior to using TES.
  • Bachelor's degree students searching for Gen Psych should search by PSYC1000. For PHIL3400 Medical Ethics, search PHI3400.
  • If your course isn’t listed, you may submit a request for evaluation. 

Enter coursework from multiple schools at once for review.

Load all your undergraduate college courses together to create a list of pre-evaluated courses for transfer, as well as your courses that have not yet been reviewed. Use the Transferology request tool to directly request a review of unevaluated courses. To find a school with a pre-approved equivalency to a Íæż½ã½ã’s course, you may use Transferology’s course replacement tool.

Fulfill Íæż½ã½ã's core or major requirements with college transfer courses.

Plan ahead with our transfer guides to save both time and money. We have guides for all the Twin Cities community colleges, plus select other schools/programs.

  • Íæż½ã½ã's major guides display the major, supporting, and prerequisite requirements for a Íæż½ã½ã's degree and the courses at your school that have been pre-approved to fulfill them.
  • 2+2 degree program articulation guides list the courses in your community college associate degree program, as well as the intended Íæż½ã½ã's bachelor's degree program, and help you map the best course forward.

Check out our transfer guides to see how your courses transfer or contact your admission counselor, who can create a custom transfer plan for you.

Íæż½ã½ã's transfer guides  

Find your Transfer Admission Counselor

Map out your transfer plan.

Please see college catalog for information regarding all major, minor, supporting, prerequisite, and core requirements needed to graduate in a major at Íæż½ã½ã's. Program planning worksheets are being updated this fall. 

Íæż½ã½ã’s Laddering Guides (Associate to Bachelor's)

See how Íæż½ã½ã’s associate courses are applied at the bachelor's level.

If you are enrolled in a Íæż½ã½ã's associate program, these guides will show you how your individual courses can apply toward a Íæż½ã½ã's bachelor's degree. Courses taken prior to 1986 from St. Mary’s Jr. College are considered transfer credit. All others are resident credit.

For select programs, we also have guides that help you map a pathway from a specific Íæż½ã½ã’s associate degree to a specific bachelor degree.

Request to transfer credit into a graduate program

In order to transfer graduate level courses, you need to have the approval of your program director. Graduate courses are not pre-approved. Submit a Petition to Transfer Graduate Credit to begin the process and view our graduate transfer policies for complete details on applicable credit.