Íæż½ã½ã's Complete

How does Íæż½ã½ã's Complete work?

Our advisors listen to your needs, help create your customized transfer plan, and provide helpful tools and advice every step of the way. Right from the start, we'll help you select a degree pathway plan that transfers seamlessly from associate to bachelor's level, and then we'll help you choose the courses you need to earn your bachelor's quickly and cost-effectively.

You can finish your associate and bachelor's degrees in as little as four years!

Determine your eligibility.

Students with an AA or MnTC also qualify for Íæż½ã½ã's .

Select a program that works for you.

Attend full or part time, in a format that fits your lifestyle. You'll select an associate degree at Anoka-Ramsey Community College, Century College, Inver Hills Community College, Minneapolis College (MCTC), Normandale Community College, North Hennepin Community College, Saint Paul College, or completion of the MnTC, as well as a bachelor's degree program from Íæż½ã½ã's College for Adults or College for Women — see what works best for you!

evening/weekend and online classes traditional daytime classes
women and men women
start in September, February, or June start in September or February
year-round scheduling semesters with optional summer and January classes
View Majors 
Includes fully online majors
View Majors 
Includes dual bachelor's/graduate programs
Tuition and Aid for College for Adults Tuition and Aid for College for Women


We'll create a flexible plan, customized for you.

To ensure that you earn your bachelor's quickly and cost-effectively, we'll create an easy-to-follow, pathway plan, tailored to fit your needs. Your plan will include required and recommended courses that do double-duty by applying at both the associate and bachelor's levels.


We work hard to keep your costs down

Our clear pathway plans ensure you only take the courses you need to complete your degree, so every tuition dollar counts toward your goal. 

Generous financial aid options may be available, and Íæż½ã½ã's Complete transfer students from the following institutions also receive an exclusive scholarship when transferring to complete their first bachelor's degree:

  • Anoka-Ramsey Community College
  • Century College
  • Inver Hills Community College
  • Minneapolis College (MCTC)
  • Normandale Community College
  • North Hennepin Community College
  • Saint Paul College

College for Women: for students who have graduated from high school (or completed a GED program) and are transferring from one of the community colleges listed above, pursuing their first bachelor's degree. Students must enroll at Íæż½ã½ã's in at least 12 credits per fall and spring terms with a 2.5 GPA or higher, and will receive a renewable $3,000 scholarship per year for two years ($6,000 max).

College for Adults: for students who have graduated from  high school (or completed a GED program) and are transferring from one of the community colleges listed above, pursuing their first bachelor's degree. Students must enroll at Íæż½ã½ã's in at least 6 credits per fall, spring, and summer terms with a 2.5 GPA or higher, and will receive a renewable scholarship of up to $3,000 per year for two years ($6,000 max).

Financial aid and tuition

Stay on track with expert advising and transfer tools

Get expert guidance from both your community college and your Íæż½ã½ã's advisor throughout your time at community college—they'll make sure you aren't taking unnecessary courses that will raise your costs and extend your timeline.

  • Degree Program Articulation Guides (PAGs)
    Associate to bachelor's degree pathway plans that map all courses required for both degrees, including recommendations for electives. We can create a customized plan for you if none exists.
  • Major Transfer Guides
    Display the major, supporting, and prerequisite requirements for a Íæż½ã½ã's degree and the courses at your school that have been pre-approved to fulfill them.
  • Transfer Evaluation System (TES) Database and Transferology Course Equivalency Reports
    Search the of over 50,000 pre-approved courses, or use to map the courses you've taken, or plan to take, to their Íæż½ã½ã's equivalencies.
  • Program Planning
    Our  has bachelor's major requirement checklists—including all major, supporting, prerequisite and core requirements—and helps you track progress.
  • Official Degree Evaluations
    Upon acceptance, you'll receive an official plan showing how all courses will apply your intended degree.

Start using the transfer tools

Get the support you need!

As a Íæż½ã½ã's student, you'll have access to support services designed to help you succeed in your program and beyond, including tutoring, disability resources, career counseling, health and wellness, and support for student-parents.

Student support and assistance

Get more info

Academic Advising and Retention 

Academic Advising 

Advising, Counseling, and Career Center



Academic Advising

