Debarment and Suspension Certification Policy
The amount of spending on federal government grants and contracts and increased reporting of contractor misconduct have prompted regulations around debarment and suspension. All vendors and key personnel engaged in federal grants or contracts must be checked against the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) database to certify they are not debarred or suspended. Supporting documentation that provides evidence of certification must be maintained.
Export Control
Export controls refer to the U.S. laws and regulations that govern the shipment or transfer of controlled items, software, technology, or services outside of the U.S. These controls can limit the ability of Íæż½ã½ã’s faculty, staff, and students to conduct research in certain countries, with certain agencies, or even conduct research in certain areas with international collaborators.
Financial Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Policy
This Financial Conflicts of Interest (FCOI) and Conflict of Commitment (COC) Policy is designed to meet federal PHS (including NIH and HRSA), NSF, and NASA regulatory requirements as well as requirements of certain state grant programs. It is predicated on the expectation that investigators and other key personnel conduct their affairs so as to avoid or minimize conflicts that could bias or influence their work on a sponsored project, and respond appropriately when conflicts arise. Investigators and key personnel have an obligation to become familiar with and abide by this policy. All investigators and key personnel submitting grants to the relevant agencies must complete the Disclosure Form prior to submission. Investigators submitting to PHS, NSF, or NASA must also complete the FCOI Citi training (both linked below).
Graduate Traineeship and Assistantship Policies
Indirect Cost Recovery and Distribution Policies
The intent of Íæż½ã½ã’s Indirect Cost Policies is to foster research, academic innovation, scholarly enterprise and the dissemination of knowledge while catalyzing greater external sponsorship to the University.
Intellectual Property Policy
Through this Intellectual Property Policy, the University brings its approach to copyright in alignment with what it perceives as the norm among institutions of higher education today. Íæż½ã½ã is committed to fostering a community where faculty members, staff and students engage in learning, professional growth, scholarship and research.
Internal Grants Compensation Policy
The Internal Grants Compensation Policy seeks to provide clarity on faculty compensation for work on internal grants. Faculty are encouraged to request a nominal stipend to support work on internal grants that is above and beyond their normal job duties. Note that the faculty compensation plan, whether by stipend or contract, will need to be approved by the employee’s program director/chair or dean, prior to submission in accordance with University policy.
Mandatory Research Education Policy
Íæż½ã½ã developed a Mandatory Research Education policy in support of our community's commitment to the ethical conduct and dissemination of research and scholarship. Íæż½ã½ã complies with federal requirements to ensure its research personnel (including students of all degree levels, faculty, and staff) complete all required research education and training. Currently the University requires training in:
- The Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR);
- Human Subjects Research (HSR); and
- Financial Conflicts of Interest (FCOI).
While the definition of Responsible Conduct of Research includes research involving human subjects and conflicts of interest, there are separate training requirements for HSR and FCOI.
Participant Incentives Policy
Any PI/PD planning to distribute participant incentives (gift cards) must work through Sponsored Programs, Research, and External Engagement (SPREE); including purchasing, filing documentation of participant incentives distributed, and returning undistributed participant incentives. SPREE maintains documentation for audit and supports the PI/PD in safeguarding the confidentiality of study participants. The Business Office conducts spot audits and ensures compliance with IRS regulations.
Research Data Management Policy
The research data management policy serves to facilitate clarity and consistency in the roles and expectations of any member of the Íæż½ã½ã community who is engaged in recording, storing, accessing, transmitting, retaining and destroying research data as part of their work. SPREE, the University Libraries and IT work together to collaborate on research data management. SPREE can assist with drafting data management plans for grant submissions as well as support administration of data management systems, like REDCap. The University Libraries offers broad education around data management, access to secondary data, guidance on making data repositories and is available for consultation. IT provides technology to access, store and transfer data that complies with the Íæż½ã½ã’s Research Data Management Policy.
Research Integrity Committee Charter
The Research Integrity Committee guides assessment, development and maintenance of robust research infrastructure and compliance programs essential to research integrity at Íæż½ã½ã.
Research Involving Human Subjects Policy
This policy describes the guiding principles and regulatory requirements necessary to ensure the rights, dignity, welfare, and privacy of the human subjects in all research conducted on behalf of the Íæż½ã½ã. The components within this policy are intended to comply with the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects, also known as The Common Rule. Mandatory research education related to human subject research is outlined in the Mandatory Research Education Policy.
Research Misconduct Policy
The University, its researchers and scholars recognize research integrity is essential within the liberal arts and professional disciplines, and that failure to engage in ethical research and scholarship or to report misconduct, undermine a central aim of the academic enterprise: the pursuit of knowledge. In line with these values and all applicable federal regulations governing the conduct of research, including but not limited to 42 CFR Parts 93, this document provides the University’s policy and procedures guiding response to allegations of research misconduct involving University faculty, staff and students, as well as others engaged in research affiliated with the University.
Safe and Inclusive Working Environments for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research
Effective January 30, 2023, all National Science Foundation (NSF) proposals (new and renewals) to safeguard participants who engage in off-campus research activities. It is the responsibility of Principal Investigators (PI) to develop a plan that details how a safe and inclusive research environment will be fostered.
For additional information and prompts to help craft your plan, please see the following .
Subrecipient Agreement and Monitoring Policy
The University is responsible for ensuring that all subaward agreements it issues comply with federal regulations. In so doing, the University must monitor the use of funds received, and confirm their use in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and the terms of the award. Monitoring also ensures that subrecipients achieve performance goals. Each potential subrecipient must provide risk-assessment information prior to proposal submission.
Time and Effort Policy
The University's Time and Effort Policy is the means by which the University community fulfills federal, sponsor and University requirements for effort reporting. As a recipient of public and private grants and contracts for research and demonstration, the University must assure that assignment of time (effort) and associated salary are fair, consistent, and timely.