Grant Programs

The tables below provide basic eligibility information on Íæż½ã½ã's internal grants. Additional information for each grant, including deadlines, grant guidelines, and links to applications can be found further below. Scroll to the bottom of the page to view templates and other internal resources.

Research and Scholarship

Grant Programs Disciplines Deadlines Eligibility
Carol Easley Denny Award All disciplines March 15 All Íæż½ã½ã's faculty
GHR Innovative Scholarship Grants All disciplines February 1 All Íæż½ã½ã’s faculty are eligible to apply. Adjuncts are not eligible to be PIs, but can be involved as Co-PIs or collaborators on the project
All disciplines  February 15 All Faculty are eligible to submit proposals. If awarded, fellows are required to attend SPREE's grant workshop (early June), meet monthly with mentors, and submit at least one external grant proposal by May.
3M STEM Grants STEM Rolling deadline All Íæż½ã½ã’s faculty members are eligible to apply, but the project must be in a designated STEM area
GHR Student Research Funding Proposals All disciplines Rolling deadline Undergraduate and graduate students whose work is connected to one of the key components of the GHR AEG grant.
Summer Scholars All disciplines March 15 Teams involving undergraduate students and ranked faculty members from any discipline may apply to participate in this paid, immersive summer research experience. 



Grant Programs Disciplines Deadlines Eligibility
Conference Presentation Awards All disciplines Rolling deadline If you are presenting or have an active leadership role at a conference, you may apply for funds to cover the costs of registration. These awards do not fund travel or lodging. Full and part-time faculty, professional faculty, faculty assistants, and staff. Adjuncts are not eligible to apply.
GHR Faculty/Staff Conference Awards All disciplines Rolling deadline Full and part-time faculty, professional faculty, faculty assistants, and staff. Adjuncts are not eligible to apply
GHR Student Conference Travel Awards All disciplines Rolling deadline Undergraduate and graduate students whose work is connected to one of the key components of the GHR AEG grant. Current students and students who have graduated within 12 months of the presentation date are eligible to apply. Faculty who are also students are not eligible for student travel awards and should apply for Faculty Travel/Staff Travel awards.
All disciplines April 1  Ranked full-time and part-time faculty. Adjuncts are not eligible to apply. 
All disciplines February 1 Ranked full-time and part-time faculty. Adjuncts are not eligible to apply. 


Traineeships and Assistantships

Grant Programs Disciplines Deadlines Eligibility
Assistant Mentorship Program (AMP)  All disciplines November and April Undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled at least half time
GHR Graduate Traineeships All disciplines Fall Traineeships: June 15 
J-Term Traineeships: October 15  
Spring Traineeship: November 15  
Summer Traineeship: March 15 
Graduate students (Íæż½ã½ã’s faculty and staff submit the application to request the traineeship)
Graduate Traineeships All disciplines Fall Traineeships: April 15 
J-Term Traineeships: August 15  
Spring Traineeship: October 15  
Summer Traineeship: January 15 

Graduate students (Íæż½ã½ã’s faculty and staff submit the application to request the traineeship)

See graduate , , and .



Grant Programs Disciplines Deadlines Eligibility
GHR General Proposals (equipment, program evaluation, workshops, etc.) All disciplines Rolling deadline All departments and employees


Templates & Resources