Antonian Honors Program

The Antonian Honors program offers students of exceptional ability and motivation an opportunity to study and work with one another and with faculty mentors in a program specially designed to develop student community and nurture student learning.

As an honors student, you will have the opportunity to push yourself as a learner and a leader. To graduate as an Antonian Scholar, you will complete four interdisciplinary honors seminars throughout your undergraduate career and in your senior year, produce an original research or creative work, your senior honors project.

Why join?

Applying yourself to this rigorous program comes with benefits:

  • Priority registration: Get your courses locked in early each semester.

  • Access to the honors lounge to study and socialize: Honors students have exclusive access to the Honors Hub, located in the Coeur de Catherine.

  • Senior project: You’ll have the opportunity to choose a subject you’re passionate about and produce a major piece of research or creative work.

  • Interdisciplinary honors seminars: Study special topics from women’s health to the making and meaning of comedy with a group of your peers. 

  • A supportive community of scholars: You’ll have opportunities to build supportive relationships with peers and faculty and the option to reside in the Crandall Hall honors students residence floor.

  • Leadership opportunities: Many honors students choose to take on leadership roles in the Honors Program Student Organization.

  • Honors diploma: Receive a special diploma and recognition at commencement.

How to Apply

Prospective students are invited to join the program based on high academic achievement and demonstrated leadership. No application is necessary.

For current students, please fill out the

For faculty, please fill out the