Rachel Mary Harriss PhD, RN, PHN

Rachel Mary Harriss PhD, RN, PHN
  • Associate Professor
  • Nursing - BSN (CFA) Associate Professor
Rachel joined the faculty of Íæż½ã½ã in Fall 2021 after relocating from the East Coast.  As an Associate Professor, she teaches psychiatric and public health nursing in the College for Adults.  She earned her B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in nursing at Boston College and her M.S. in Forensic Nursing at Fitchburg State University.  Her passion and research interests center on mental health, substance abuse, forensic, and social justice issues evidenced by her extensive work with individuals seeking asylum in the United States after experiencing trauma, violence, and persecution in their home countries.Rachel is an expert witness in federal, criminal, and civil courts addressing many different areas including: nursing malpractice and negligence, toxic torts, civil rights violations, asylum and refugee immigration matters, etc.