Jean Omodt DPT, MHS, PT

Jean Omodt DPT, MHS, PT
  • Associate Professor
  • Biology - BS (CFW only) Associate Professor
I have treated patients as a physical therapist for more than 25 years, primarily working in Minnesota but also in California and Missouri. I have extensive experience treating patients in a variety of settings including acute care (hospital), long term care, home care, and outpatient. I attended graduate school at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri where I received a Master of Health Science in Physical Therapy degree. After graduating in 1992, I accepted a full-time teaching position at Íæż½ã½ã, where I helped develop the Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) Program. I taught in the MPT and Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Program for 13 years before moving to the Biology Department in 2005. I am currently one of the faculty members that regularly teaches the human anatomy and human physiology courses. Most of my students are pre-medicine, pre-nursing, pre-physical therapy, or pre-occupational therapy. In May 2007, I received a Doctorate in Physical Therapy degree from Íæż½ã½ã. I continue to work as a physical therapist on weekends at a local hospital.