Dorothea Hansmeyer Assistant Professor
- MS
- Nursing - BSN (CFW) Assistant Professor
I earned my Masters in Nursing Leadership at Íæż½ã½ã. This pilot program was a collaborative venture between the Masters of Organizational Leadership (MAOL) and the Nurse Educator departments. I was interested in learning from both of these educational departments in order to challenge myself as a leader and educator. I strive to align my professional beliefs with my personal MAOL Leadership Credo. These are based on my five core beliefs: 1. Listen with an open mind 2. Be Curious 3. Speak from your own voice 4. Be patient with your journey. I strive to treat people with dignity and respect, develop cooperative relationships, follow through on promises and commitments, praise people for a job well done and actively listen to diverse points of view. I believe if I follow these ideals, my students will be heard, supported and assisted through the many challenges of nursing education.