Cynthia Dols Finn DNP, MN, PHN, AHN-BC, CHTP/A

Cynthia Dols Finn DNP, MN, PHN, AHN-BC, CHTP/A
  • Professor
  • Nursing - BSN (CFA) Associate Professor
Cynthia is faculty in the College for Adults Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing (BSN CFA) and the Doctor of Nursing Program (DNP).  She is an Associate Professor at Íæż½ã½ã and has been on the nursing faculty since fall 1999. She assisted in the development of a Unitary Human Caring Science BSN curriculum, which includes integrative and cultural healthcare curricular components. She is currently involved in the redesign of the holistic curriculum for the Baccalaureate Program. She is active in promoting healthy learning environments built upon safe interpersonal behaviors. She completed her Doctor of Nursing Practice at Íæż½ã½ã. She holds the Public Health Nurse registration and is a certified Advanced Holistic Nurse (AHN-BC). She is and has been involved in academic and clinical research. She presents locally, regionally, and nationally on holistic nursing, holistic nursing curriculum, and promoting healthy work environments. She is a founding member of the Behavior at Work Collaborative, an organization committed to improving workplace culture. She serves on the Minnesota Holistic Nurses (MinnHNA) Leadership Council and is the MinnHNA Liaison to the American Holistic Nurses Association. She is committed to the advancement of holistic nursing and promoting holistic, caring, and compassionate nursing to support health and healing for all.