Beth Meighan-Palanivel DNP, RN, HNB-BC, NC-BC, CCAP

Beth Meighan-Palanivel DNP, RN, HNB-BC, NC-BC, CCAP
  • Assistant Professor
  • Nursing - BSN (CFW) Assistant Professor
Beth serves as a content expert in Holistic Nursing and is a certified Holistic Nurse (HNB-BC) and Nurse Coach (NC-BC) through AHNCC. She was awarded the Daisy Award for Extraordinary Nursing Faculty in 2020. As the Advising Liaison for the College for Women (CfW) BSN program, she plays a key role in early identification and intervention to support the retention and success of 169-259 in-program pre-licensure CfW BSN students. Additionally, Beth provides mentorship to faculty advisors and collaborate with key university resources in addition to her teaching role within the CfW nursing program.Beth will graduate with her DNP from Íæż½ã½ã in May 2024. She received her MA in Holistic Health Studies from Íæż½ã½ã in 2013 and completed her BSN at Allen College in Waterloo, Iowa in 2008. Beth served on the Board of the Minnesota Holistic Nurses Association (one of the largest and oldest chapters of the American Holistic Nurses Association) 2014 to 2021. Beth is a Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Practitioner (CCAP) and has training Healing Touch, Therapeutic Touch and Reiki.