Íæż½ã½ã's offers an accelerated MSW admission process for current juniors majoring in social work (BSW) at Íæż½ã½ã. This process provides students with acceptance into the Íæż½ã½ã MSW in clinical social work practice program in your junior year (rather than senior year), streamlines the admission process, and waives the application fee.
Plus, BSW graduates apply to the Íæż½ã½ã MSW program as Advanced Standing (AS), having completed 18 hours of foundation-level coursework toward your master's degree.
Graduates of Íæż½ã½ã should also explore our MSW Alumni Grants that represent a tuition discount of 10%.
Junior BSW students may apply for early admission to the MSW if you meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Admitted to the BSW major without conditions
- 3.0 cumulative GPA , documented with transcript and/or degree evaluation
- 3.25 social work GPA
- Successful completion of all allied/supporting coursework (BIOL 1120/105, PSYC 1001/100, PSYC 2025/202, and SOCI 1000/100)
- In good academic and professional standing (see the Professional Standards in the BSW Handbook) in the BSW program (as confirmed by the BSW Program Director)
- Completion of undergraduate degree in May of the following year.
How to Apply
To apply, students must complete the accelerated admission application, which will be distributed to all juniors in their field seminar in spring. In this application, students will state their intent to apply for the MSW program, indicate their desired program track—AS1 (one-year, full time) or AS2 (two-year) —and include their current transcript showing successful completion of all allied/supporting coursework for the social work major.
Students must discuss accelerated admission with your advisor during your admission to the major meeting. Your advisor will give your completed forms to the BSW program director.
Expectations After Acceptance
If accepted, you must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA, 3.5 social work GPA, and good academic and professional standing within the BSW program.
In January of your senior year, you must
- Confirm your acceptance into the MSW program by submitting a 300-word statement reflecting on your goals for their MSW education to the BSW program director
- Submit your Fall Senior Year Field Evaluation to the BSW program director. This must be signed by all parties.
- Confirm or change your program track: AS1 or AS2
- Maintain good academic and professional standing within the BSW program
- Intend to begin the MSW program in June (AS1) or September (AS2) of your graduation year
- Provide the MSW program a copy of all transcripts at completion of your BSW degree
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